the future of rEGENERATIVE wound care

Support the body's own healing

Even with incredible advancements in modern healing technology, there remain limits in our ability to heal wounded patients.

Our Multi-Tissue Platform (MTP™) was developed in an effort to overcome the limitations of current treatment options and help even the most severely injured patients heal better.

Wound healing and tissue regeneration is complex. 

  • Stemsys MTP Technology

    Injured or damaged tissue requires multiple biomolecules to facilitate injury site healing. Many of these biomolecules have been identified in extracellular matrix (ECM).

  • XCelliStem Wound Powder

    Our flagship product derived from MTP. A custom blend of multiple tissues offers the body more biomolecules that are needed to facilitate healing.

  • clinical case series

    Application of the MTP powder can be performed in the presence of an infection while achieving superior healing outcomes, saving treatment time for both the patient and the clinician.

the future of healing starts here.

To date, ECM wound products have been derived from one tissue source, limiting the quantity and variety of biomolecules in the medical device.  The multi-tissue platform (MTP) has now been developed.

revolutionizing the way people heal.

No longer limited to the biomolecules of a single ECM, the Stemsys MTP combines multiple tissue sources in varying ratios providing the body access to more biomolecules. 

With over 20 years of experience working in the field of tissue regeneration, Stemsys is committed to developing novel medical devices that help restore the function of disease or injured tissue and help even the most severely injured heal. 

“‘Magic powder' heals wounds nothing else can” - ABC News, 2018