Clinical case series
Discover the science behind the revolutionary technology.
Content warning: case studies contain wound photos that may be graphic in nature and may not be suitable for all readers.
Treatment of a Severe Lactational Abscess with Multi-Tissue Platform (MTP) Porcine Xenograft
Riley Fortner, MS; Christina Zhu, BS, BA; Reagan A Collins, BA; Catherine A. Ronaghan, MD, FACS; Mary Scheerer, MD
“Lactational breast abscess is typically due to a bacterial infection entering through cracks in the nipple. Management of lactational abscess can range from percutaneous aspiration of the abscess or in serious cases, surgical debridement. This case highlights the use of multi-tissue platform (MTP) porcine xenograft to manage a severe lactational abscess with overlying skin necrosis. Although the lactational abscess was in a challenging location, the patient was able to continue breastfeeding and received surgical management in an outpatient setting, without the need for formal surgical debridement.”
Infected wounds treated with multi-tissue platform (MTP) powder, a case series
Howard M. Kimmel, DPM, MBA, Lisa Learn, DO, Rafael Corbisiero, MD
“Application of the Multi-Tissue Platform (MTP) powder can be performed in the presence of an infection while achieving superior healing outcomes, saving treatment time for both the patient and the clinician. The use of the MTP powder is a viable option for the treatment of infected wounds and can be applied immediately. Use of the MTP product in infected wounds provides an alternative approach to wound healing in the presence of an infection, possibly shortening the time to wound healing.”
the use of a novel new multi-tissue platform (mtp) powder focused on cell signaling in wound healing applications, a case series
Howard M. Kimmel, DPM, MBA
“The multi-tissue platform (MTP) was developed to take advantage of the signaling components and biomolecules that are present in naturally derived tissue-based constructs. This material facilitates the repair and regeneration of damaged tissue by inducing the body’s own regenerative capabilities. The material works by recruiting stem cells to the implant site, modulating the body’s inflammatory response to that of a regenerative response, and inducing angiogenesis.”
complex traumatic crush injury managed utilizing biologics and a dynamic tissue system
Christina Zhu BS BA, Reagan Collins BA, Hannah Daniel MBA, Yana Puckett MD MBA MPH MSc, Shirley Mc Reynolds FNP, Catherine A Ronaghan MD FACS
“Time to complete wound healing was accelerated with the use of MTP xenograft after wound healing stalled.”
Infected scalp wound treated with XcelliStem powder
Owais Ghani MD, Danapal Magendran MD, Daniel Davis MD
“XcelliStem is one of the first products to combine multiple tissues to provide maximum ECM biomolecules. Moreover it saves wound healing time.”
case reports of clinical and histologic wound healing
Diaz Valadez FD, Griffing K and Sasse KC
“In this series, patients who have undergone treatment of their wounds using Xcellistem xenograft material did not have to carry or wear cumbersome negative pressure devices or tubing. In addition, none of the patients needed to perform dressing care at home, none were required to make frequent trips to a wound care center, nor did they have visiting nurses.”
XCelliStem® Wound Powder for wound healing
“XCelliStem Wound Powder is a proprietary blend of multiple extracellular matrix materials derived from the multi-tissue platform (MTP). Rather than one single biomolecule, a number of different components work together to facilitate healing and repair. StemSys combines multiple ECM materials in varying ratios to allow for customization of desired components in the final biomaterial device and facilitates rapid and proper healing
XCelliStem Wound Powder Devices are sterile, porcine derived, naturally occurring extracellular matrix particulate that maintains and supports a healing environment for wound management. Devices are for single use only.”
XCelliStem® Wound Powder
Indications for Use:
Surgical wounds (donor sites/grafts, post-Moh’s surgery, post-laser surgery, podiatric, wound dehiscence)
Trauma wounds (abrasions, lacerations, and skin tears)
Tunneled/undermined wounds
Partial and full-thickness wounds
Pressure, diabetic, and venous ulcers
Second degree burns
Not limited to the components of one tissue source. Combining multiple tissues provides greater variety of extracellular matrix (ECM) biomolecules. These biomolecules can help facilitate healing in even the most severely wounded patients.
More biomolecules
easy to use
Conforms to irregular shaped wounds and is easy to apply.
There is no waiting for a scaffold to break down in the wound. The ECM scaffold has been processed into a powder. Upon application, the body has immediate access to the biomolecules.
save time
Each extracellular matrix (ECM) tissue source contains a unique combination of biomolecules, including: